And Grace will Lead us Home
Happy New Year!
As we salute the setting sun and celebrate winter’s dark return this solstice season in the northern hemisphere may we clear our minds of that which no longer serves, awaken our souls to our naturally intelligent selves, re-direct our passion and purpose true north, and warm our hearts with renewed hope for a new spring.
To live is to breathe. And to breathe is to participate in the energetic flow of all life, giving and receiving, generations forward and generations past. No one rose root, fire ant, newborn child, chirping tree frog, or giant sequoia tree branch exists in isolation from anything else– at any level from a microscopic cell to the macrocosmic universe within which we all dwell. We are connected. For good or for bad, rich or poor, in sickness and in health—we are not our self. We are bound to being—our fate, our feeling, our entire well-being. And for this, we can all share in the world’s past pain. We can all together celebrate the progress we made as a people & planet in 2022. We can prepare ourselves now to visualize for all– our 2023 saturated with that sweet amber scent and golden sap in prosperity and peace.
As the days begin to lengthen, the light begins to grow, the moon waxes, and the tides, turn low; I wanted to take a moment at the changing of the annual guard to share a few reflections on 2022 and what I’ve learned from nature, as well, from those living close to nature this past year. May a few thoughts interest you, inform you, inspire you to grow well into 2023.