All the Difference in Davos 2020
How Our World and World Leaders are Rapidly Changing
It made all the difference to have at the heart of the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) a revitalization of the WEF’s Global Manifesto — and a re-commitment to the principles of multi-stakeholder business values. The Manifesto reminds of the role business plays to provide for society, optimal goods and services in a free market environment. It reminds of the role business plays as a trustee of the material universe — natural resources — for future generations and as a steward of best resource management practices. The Davos Manifesto recognizes that successful and sustainable global business must operate with a social and ecological consciousness — valuing both human and natural capital, or else collapse in the wake of serial short-term decisions. There is a growing awareness that short-term, entirely profit based, commodity-driven decisions in aggregate eventually erode the human-nature foundation upon which all business enterprises with real value to exchange, stand.
“The purpose of professional management is to serve clients, shareholders, workers, and employees; as well as societies, and to harmonize the different interests of the stakeholders.” Davos Manifesto 1970