Featured Interview
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
Minister of the Environment and Energy
Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s Seventh Generation Ethic: Invest in Nature, Invest in the Future
Costa Rica is one of the most efficient and healthy countries in the world— tripling their economic growth, while recovering 1.1. million hectares of degraded land, protecting their watersheds, operating on 100% renewable energy, doubling the projected forested area, and advancing a robust eco-tourism industry. It is no wonder that Costa Rica ranks high on the happiness, air quality, life quality indices.
What’s their secret? According to Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Environmental and Energy minister for Costa Rica- intergenerational investment in protecting nature, which stems from a deep cultural understanding of the value of nature to the economic and ecological wellbeing of the country and people- is the key. How do we incentivize other countries and leaders to learn from Costa Rica’s success? Indeed, that is the central question. Currently, the world invests 0.008% of our global GDP in the protection of nature; yet nature has the potential to decarbonize our world and reduce climate stress by 30% while also providing up to $123 trillion USD of value in nature’s services.
Clearly, the opportunity for investing in nature is a win-win-win solution for personal, political, planetary health. But, it’s important to realize that our current economic decisions are destroying the life support system of the planet… Thus, it is time to invest in nature. Let’s hear what Carlos has to share with us on HOW to do that in ways that benefit all.
Costa Rica's Water Fund
The Latin American Water Funds Partnership launched the first water fund in Costa Rica. If successful, the project, called Agua Tica, will directly benefit over a million people who live in the watersheds that feed into the Río Grande de Tárcoles.
Linking Climate and Economy
Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy: We can have strong growth and poverty reduction, while protecting our environment. #newclimateeconomy #mynaturalintelligence
La Fuente de Vida y Desarrollo… Inventario para uso sostenible de la biodiversidad costarricense
Rutas Naturabanas
Connecting people to the natural places within the city, creating natural spaces for community health and wellbeing.
hashtag #mynaturalintelligence

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media