Chaos: Riding the Tide of COVID-19
Seven Great Benefits
Take close look at this Chinese/ Japanese Kanji symbol for chaos. Doesn’t it look like a surfer dude, knees bent, arms out for balance, riding a wave?
Yes, the Covid-19 pandemic is a big wave. Yes, you can fall and tumble around in the ocean and get hit by a reef rock, nipped by a shark, or struck in the head by your very own surfboard… but wow, it’s a thrilling ride, and the view from inside the barrel — inside the belly of the wave, is epic.
Helen Keller once said that life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing. I have that quote written on my bathroom mirror… I love the energy, ethic, and essential being it came from…very much, and it is very true.
Yes, I am scanning the news (albiet only for a fixed break time and in the late afternoon-highly recommended). I know people are freaking out; others are really suffering; but there are so many positive benefits to this life slow-down, honestly, if we can look up, breathe deeply, and ride the wave. I am a good news girl, and I think a breath of fresh, positive air is healthy during these dark days. So, here are my thoughts, what are those CV-19 benefits, which are healthy to spread virally? (Yes, that’s an invitation to please share this post.) Imagine!