FLASH ALERT: Premiere at Westfield Mall in LA
Dreamscape premiered it’s first title VR experiences at Westfield Mall in Beverly Hills, California this past weekend to a sold out crowd.
Congratulations Bruce and the Dreamscape team!!! All your hard work paid off.

Alien Zoo, Magic Projector, and The Blu were beautifully crafted, colorful narratives that demonstrate a fresh, inspiring, and purely entertaining direction for VR. Instead of immersing travelers into a war-craft video game; I am thrilled that Dreamscape rather chose to invite travelers into the heart of story worlds that fascinate us, that stimulate our creative imaginations, and that awaken our senses to enjoy (and to participate socially in) characters and virtual worlds in entirely new ways. Each of the three VR adventures I found uniquely special, extraordinarily entertaining, and definitely worth the virtual journey.
Alien Zoo zoomed us adventurers through a magical world of endearing, endangered species across the galaxy in a magical tour through a Jurassic-like Park in space. Magic Projector lured us travelers into an exotic and thrilling Indiana Jone’s story world as central characters on a mission to find the magic pearl. I have yet (next weekend) to fully experience the final The Blu and virtually sense what it feels like to be immersed in the deep ocean and come in contact with a family of blue whales I’m charged to help save. I can’t wait. And, if you are in Southern California— I highly encourage you to book an adventure to any of these 3 experiences. It’s a great holiday family experience.
Indeed, this is an historic moment for location-based, socially-experienced VR. And, as a story-teller, I am thrilled by the narrative-driven direction Dreamscape has chosen to take with VR. As the technology continues to get better and better, I can already imagine how our expression, appreciation, and experience of story will deepen and become more and more interactive.
Congratulations again, Dreamscape! These are exciting times. Happy holidays. Catherine