Featured Interview
Johan Rockstrom

Johan Rockström
Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Action Research
From the beginning of the industrial revolution, we perceived nature as a resource and unlimited reserve for humanity’s convenience. We didn’t believe there were consequences when we didn’t give or grow back the biological wealth we extracted, nor repay nature’s debt of ecological services to our growing human civilization’s health and wellbeing. All the while we have fuelled the engine of ubiquitous human progress and have relentlessly grown our human population without regard for nature’s planetary boundaries.
Johan Rockström, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) speaks about the pressure that unsustainable human development puts on planetary equilibrium, challenging 12,000 years of interglacial stability, known as the Holocene. Only exponential action and an earth-system’s approach to course correcting our global carbon footprint will avert a climate crisis, and avoid reaching an irreversible tipping point toward an undesirable and potentially catastrophic state for humanity and life as we know it on earth. In his interview, Johan explains the carbon law. He introduces the Exponential Carbon Action Roadmap and takes us on a practical journey on how individuals, communities, companies and governments can take immediate action in scalable ways.
“The accelerated speed, scale, and scope of earth system’s change should give us good cause to be nervous…” (Johan Rockstrom, Director of Potsdam Institute for Climate Research and Global Situation Room, WEF 2019)
Show Me
Visit the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research to learn more about what the global scientific experts know about our earth system’s stable state and how to live with the Earth’s planetary boundaries.
Calculate Footprint
This is the year that the international community is framing the New Deal with Nature. What is the deal you are making with nature? What’s your global carbon footprint? #carbonfootprint #mynaturalintelligence
Learn More
Read the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap summary and decide at least one lifestyle change that you will make to do your part in this coming year.
What To Do?
Ramping up for the 2020-2030 decade of the Anthropocene century to bring back the Garden of Eden, what will you do cut your emissions in half? Go electric? Eat health, waste free diets? Travel light? Build smart? Share on your Social Media,
hashtag #mynaturalintelligence

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media