Featured Interview
Kay Firth Butterfield

Kay Firth Butterfield
Director of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
Center for the 4th Industrial Revolution, WEF
Trust is the Foundation Upon Which We Will Build our AI Future to Benefit Society
Unless society comes with us on the journey of evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine-learning technology, AI will not fulfill its purpose to benefit humanity. According to Kay Firth Butterfield, the director of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the World Economic Forum, building trust with society must be a foundation for the development and utilization of AI technology in our lives.
In my interview with Kay, we discuss how to engage society in designing our AI future. We talk about best practices for governments to incorporate AI education in to our primary schools through high school, to future-proof our children for living and thriving in an AI future. We discuss what new skills and traits may be important for humans to develop- compassion and empathy seeming to be central to our healthy future evolution. Of course, heavy on most people’s mind is what and where will the jobs be in a new AI-enabled workplace. We’ll share some of our insights, and leave the rest up to your imagination.
Join us in listening to Kay’s thoughts on unlocking the incredible potential of humanity with AI and what it will take to shape our future toward that goal.
Center for 4th Industrial Revolution
The New Center hosts the Network for Global Technology Governance. Born last year, the Center already has expanded from its HQ in San Francisco, CA into China, India, and Japan.
WEF Launches 6 Global Councils
In May 2019, the World Economic Forum launched 6 new Global Future’s Councils to focus on good governance in technology. @Davos @WEF
AI & Child Education
What happens when your Robot talks back to your child? This is the Generation AI. Are we future-proofing our children well?
AI & Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the 2nd largest cause of death for teens in the US, Europe, SE Asia. Can AI help people with suicide tensions and tendencies? What do you think?
hashtag #mynaturalintelligence @NIWPodcast @WEF19

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media