Featured Interview
M Sanjayan

M Sanjayan
Chief Executive Officer, Conservation International
We Need A New Deal with Nature
We’ve already noted the unconscionable loss of species abundance @ 60% among animals in the last 40-50 years (WWF Living Index, 2019). Nearly 20% of our tropical forest ecosystems have also been degraded or destroyed in a similar time frame. Why do we need a New Deal with Nature? Nature is the Real Deal. For one, forest ecosystems alone can drawdown 10 gigatons of CO2/ year– nearly 25% of the 40 gigatons of CO2/year we need to take out of the atmosphere to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Imagine! “But sadly now, if current tropical forest emissions from deforestation were a country, it would be behind China.” M. Sanjayan
So, what do we do? We conserve our healthy forests, rejuvenate degraded forests, and reforest denuded lands to recover 30% of that lost carbon. We also innovate new ways companies can offset their carbon footprints by sponsoring conservation projects, while inspiring greater private resources- currently less than the marketing budget of a block-buster film, to go into ocean and land conservation.
New Global Deal, Big Deal
The New Deal for Nature- Laying out the Global Strategy for Protecting Nature and Our Human+Nature Relationship through 2030.
Linking Human + Nature
Science Advances: The Global Deal targets 30% of Earth to be formally protected, plus 20% of Earth designated as climate stabilization areas. by 2030. #worldenvironmentday @conservationorg #newdealfornature @NIWpodcast
Why Protect Nature
Our food, our water, our livelihoods- they all come from Nature- and Nature is Speaking. Ultimately, our health is tied to the health of the biosphere. Saving nature is the only way to save ourselves.
World Environment Day
Take Action on World Environment Day: Receive latest stories, news, tips for the Breathe Life movement and how to #beatairpollution.
#worldenvironmentday @UNEnvironment @ConservationOrg

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media