Naturally Intelligent

 Wildlife Wisdom Series

Featured Animal: Peregrine Falcon

Latin Name: Falco peregrinus


Thank you for joining our Wildlife Wisdom audio recordings. These recordings feature animals from our Nature Sanctuary. Each recording illuminates the creative strategy of our feature animal for adapting to our changing world. I’m Amber, guardian of the sanctuary. And I’m here to share wildlife’s wisdom. Animals can teach us many ways to survive. And, they inspire us to live happy, healthy, regenerative lives.

 What can we learn from wildlife today?

Lightning Fast

I am inspired to be my lightning fast me like the Peregrine falcon, spiraling naturally upward toward the divine high priest zone where all the regal spirits roam. There on his far-seeking, far-flying expert surveillance mission, he can spot his prey a mile away with his supernatural vision. And then- here comes the most exhilarating part… charged like a lightning bolt, the falcon can high-speed dive to shock attack his target, alive. Imagine. We’re talking speeds of 320 km/hour. That’s fast. The Peregrine falcon is the fastest animal off earth. So fast and so precise that when he hunt-dives and strikes his prey (one of 2,000 species of small birds) on the tip of one wing, well that’s enough to deliver a lethal sting. Thus, it’s no wonder the Peregrine falcon is admired by the pharaoh, the sheikh, the prince, and the king.

Reflection: If you were on a far-seeking, far-flying mission, where would you go? Don’t think too hard. Lightning fast, you should know.

 Inspiration: Plan a short trip just for you or for you and your mate to a heavenly place; where you can soar high enough above your life to survey your choices with expert vision and make for the New Year, expert decisions.


Awaken Your Natural Intelligence

Move Like a Peregrine falcon