Featured Interview


Peter Thomson

Special Envoy for Oceans to the United Nations

The Ocean: Our Source of Life and Every Second Breath

In my interview with Peter Thompson, the Special Envoy to the UN on Oceans; he begins our conversation with this sobering message from the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

“We are knowingly destroying the life support systems of the planet.”

It is extraordinary to me that we have come so far in our biological discourse on humanity’s relationship to nature to now directly state that our carbon, plastic, waste pollution is destroying the planet…and the seat of life, the ocean.

Do we really understand that without a health ocean, we don’t have a healthy planetary system to support all of life on earth, including our own?

Do we really feel the agency and urgency to act? Do we know what to do? Well, Peter Thompson gives us a few clues…and in the end, it is clear that our success or failure of stewarding life on earth IS all up to me and you.


Let’s be diligent and consistent and vocal about our personal ban on single use plastic. As with CV 19 we are all becoming more conscious about what we touch; let’s become conscious about how much plastic we let into our homes and life.

Let’s be diligent and consistent and vocal about our food choices—and shift food fashion from top predator fin fish and shell fish 24/7 and out of season to high protein, marine-rich tofu.

Let’s be diligent and consistent and vocal about our concern for the disappearance of the coral reef ecosystem and the decimation of marine wildlife due to illegal fishing and consumption. Let’s let our local, regional, national political leaders know that we care about the ocean… and we want them to prioritize caring about and protecting them too.


Ocean Week EU

Ocean Week 2020 put the spotlight on the huge threats faced by marine species and habitats while offering real solutions on how to solve them. We need thriving biodiversity in our oceans to support life on earth. 

Ocean Innovation

Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean in partnership with Oceanic Global, will highlight innovations from around the world designed to improve the health of the ocean and the planet.

Coral Reefs

About 25 to 50 per cent of the world’s coral reefs have been destroyed and another 60 per cent are under threat. Considered rainforests of the ocean, coral reefs are the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, supporting a quarter of all marine life. They also remain a vital source of new medicine.

Our Beautiful Ocean

As part of the annual World Oceans Day celebrations, the Our Beautiful Ocean exhibit highlights the beauty of the ocean, some of the challenges it faces, in particular from plastic waste, and how humans are helping to overcome this. ​​

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Catherine Cunningham, PhD

CEO, Natural Intelligence Media