The Nature Conservancy

Protecting Wildlife, Habitat, Ecosystems, Worldwide

Our mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. We do this by using science to determine where we work and with which partners to protect nature for our future. We do this by creating conservation easements in critical ecosystems to protect them and have them serve as models for environmental stewardship. We do this by aligning with relevant companies, indigenous groups, our sister organizations to create actions and campaigns that preserve the greatest biodiversity.

Tackling the Crisis of Animal Poaching

The Nature Conservancy is tackling the complex crisis of animal poaching all the way from where elephants are struggling to survive to where illegal ivory is being sold.
TNC and partners use dogs, beads and other creative solutions to help ensure that there will always be plenty of wild elephants in Africa. An elephant herd can travel up to 30 miles a day in search of food, often encountering dangerous situations.

The Nature Conservancy works with partners to form community-run conservation areas and to implement creative solutions, such as building a highway underpass to reconnect a blocked migration path.

The Nature Conservancy is mobilizing some of the country’s most influential leaders to educate consumers, erode the prestige of ivory and clean up the online marketplace.

For more information about The Nature Conservancy’s work on animal poaching, visit