Protecting The Oceans, Worldwide
The Ocean Conservancy has a Vision for a Healthy Ocean.
Ocean Conservancy works to keep the ocean healthy, to keep us healthy. Ocean Conservancy works to protect the ocean for those who depend on it to make their living. We’re working to secure sustainable fishing and a robust tourist industry.
A healthy ocean provides us with the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Ocean Conservancy works to protect the ocean so it can sustain communities around the world.
Ocean Conservancy uses science to create policies that protect the ocean’s habitats and wildlife, while providing space for communities and economies to prosper.Life on Earth began in the sea, and today ocean life continues to nurture and sustain all of us, regardless of where we live.
We organize beach cleanups around the globe, providing the science behind ocean debris and collaborating with everyone from citizens like you to businesses to stop ocean trash at the source.
Clean Up The Plastic Waste in our Oceans
People know that trash in the water: compromises the health of humans, wildlife and the livelihoods that depend on a healthy ocean; threatens tourism and recreation, and the critical dollars they add to our local economies;
complicates shipping and transportation by causing navigation hazards; and generates steep bills for retrieval and removal.
Unfortunately, what we see dirtying beaches and floating on the ocean’s surface is just the tip of the iceberg. Much more lies unseen beneath the surface and far away on the open water — but that doesn’t make it any less important.
That’s why Ocean Conservancy is taking bold action, working to stop the flow of trash at the source, before it has a chance to reach the water to choke and entangle dolphins or endanger sea turtles, or ruin our beaches and depress our local economies. We need your help to keep millions of pounds of trash from our oceans – your everyday choices can help keep it clean.