Featured Interview
Tejpreet Chopra
Tejpreet Chopra
President and CEO, Bharat Light and Power Group
Co-Chair of the Advanced Energy Technologies Global Council, WEF
Empowering 1 Billion People in India with Clean Energy in Smart Ways
Imagine a world where IOT (Internet of Things) platforms link your electric vehicle to your home energy management system to your energy storage and distribution system. Imagine the digitization of renewable energy production lines that optimize transmission of energy across communities by readily predicting failures or generation errors. Imagine the major oil and gas companies shifting their portfolios over to renewable, clean energy and electrifying the world.
Welcome to the future. It is already here. And why is it here? People like TP Chopra, President and CEO of the Bharat Light & Power group are committed to powering 1 Billion people in India with renewable energy. According to TP, investment in renewable energy has doubled in the last century; and NEW Chinese investments account for a significant part of that growth. Meanwhile, the cost of solar and wind production have dropped rapidly and significantly. In India the cost of solar energy is 3.5 US cents for every KW hour. In fact the cost is so low that governments have to now create other incentives for investors to get a fair return on their future investment…. and maybe that means investment will shift more toward transformative advances in the AI and IOT technologies which are ensuring that power is delivered optimally, efficiently, effectively, and safely.
Bharat Light & Power
Transforming Industrial Productivity, Providing Clean Energy to the World
Linking Climate and Economy
Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy: We can have strong growth and poverty reduction, while protecting our environment. #newclimateeconomy #mynaturalintelligence
International Solar Alliance
An alliance of more than 122 countries initiated by India, most of them being sunshine countries, committed to work for efficient exploitation of solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
Council on Advanced Energy Tech
Technologies play a critical role in the global energy transition, reaching Paris Agreement climate goals, delivering universal energy access, and decreasing air pollution.

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media