The Tree’s Truth: Lesson One
Learn to Breathe
During the epic firestorm that besieged the Amazon and Australia this past year; we often referred to the forests as the lungs of the planet. As these forests burned and torched 10’s of 1000’s of hectares of photosynthesizing green growth drawing down excessive carbon in our atmosphere, so our lungs burned, too. The loss of millions of animals in the Australian fires touched us all, down under and deep within. (If you really want to hear an amazing, creative poet speak of her Australia burning, listen to Lynette Walworth, Crystal Awards, WEF 2020)
If we turn to the Ocean and cool off, then we encounter another suite of environmental calamities — plastics, pollution, bleaching-dying-disappearing coral reefs, and the decimation of marine wildlife. If you are a sensitive soul, you may find it hard especially now to sleep at night and to breathe. If you have not experienced much change or tragedy or devastation in your life, you might find it hard to cope with crisis and to breathe. If you have been driven by a chocker-blocked work schedule and daily routine; the slow down might speed up your panicked insides and stir up your anxiety… and you might find it hard to breathe. As Alan Watts often teaches, when faced with fear and anxiety; attack, don’t look back. Walk right through the imaginary ghosts, future fears, and great depressions. You are alive- right here, right now… be grateful, be fully alive… and breathe.