Featured Interview
Health Pros @ IDeas Lab

Health Professional Lead the Ideas Lab @ WEF19
Dr. Laurie Santos, Prof. of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences @ Yale
Dr. Hedy Kober, Expert on Mindfulness @ the CLinical and Effective Neuroscience Lab @Yale
Molly Crockett, Assist. Prof. of Psychology @ Cambridge
On Dispelling Dark Psychic Forces- Creating Mindfulness and Joy
Laurie Santos, Professor of psychology and cognitive sciences at Yale University
Hedy Kober, Expert on Mindfulness @ the Clinical and Effective Neuroscience Lab, Yale University
Molly Crockett, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Cambridge University
How can we become more mindful of our actions and compassionate with our speech?
How can we dispel those “dark psychic forces” Marianne Williamson called out in the US Democratic Debates, alive in our world today; in order to create a more just, peaceful, brilliant world tomorrow? It’s crystal clear that citizens of the US and the world are hungry for moral leadership. We are seeking guidance to transform future fears about climate change, the unraveling of our biosphere, personal prosperity, and dignity lost… into fruitful actions with positive outcomes for all.
I am grateful to have with us today on our Natural Intelligence Worldwide podcast three world experts on mindfulness and joy- Laurie Santos, Hedy Kober, and Molly Crockett. Together, they ran the hugely popular Ideas Lab on the Science of Happiness at Davos where we met this year. And, today we dive into a variety of important health and wellness topics; answering questions, like:
What’s the recipe for healthy life balance in order to optimize good decision-making and positive, productive dialogue?
How are we most effective in getting people on board the Climate Action and New Deal for Nature train in meaningful, transformative ways?
How do we create true empathy among world leaders for people vulnerable to the affects of war, climate change, environmental degradation; so abundant investment goes toward building resilience and positively impacting underdeveloped communities?

Ideas Lab
WEF 2019 featured a dedicated mental health track, raising the visibility of mental health as a global challenge, and laying the foundation for supporting ongoing global mental health initiatives.
Laurie on Happiness
What makes us happy? It’s a choice and discipline and daily practice. Yes 50% of our joy is genetic, but 40% of our happiness is under our conscious control.
Yale's Crockett Lab
Blaise Pascal described human beings as “the glory and scum of the universe”. Each of us carries blueprints for a range of social behaviors from heroic to atrocious. The Crockett Lab explores this paradox by investigating how benevolent and malevolent motives are expressed in social decision-making.
Clinical Neuroscience Lab
Yale’s Lab, led by Hedy, pursues a cognitive neuroscience approach (e.g., fMRI, EEG) to investigate the regulation of craving, mindfulness and meditation, and emotion regulation and cognition-emotion interaction more generally.

Catherine Cunningham, PhD
CEO, Natural Intelligence Media