Common raven

Corvus corax

These podcasts are drawn from Naturally Intelligent by Design– a fine art picture book and poetic tale that illuminates the creative strategies of 365 animals to adapt to a changing world. Their biological designs, community dynamics, lifestyles, movement, behavior– natural intelligence, can inspire us every day of the year to live happy, healthy, sustainable lives.

Naturally Intelligent

by Design


Weekly Podcast


I am inspired to be my timeless me like the Raven. The mythical rage of legend and lore; the Raven across time and space- all cultures adore. Considered both creator and trickster to the Native Northwest, the Raven is revered by these Pacific tribes as the bearer of light and life- above all the rest. As the story goes, at the beginning of time Raven stole Great Spirit’s brilliance; thereby flooding Earth’s darkness with unearthly solar resilience. For this, the Raven brought life to light to the night.  Raven even created humans on Earth by dropping a stone in the ocean all by himself– alone. But, if Raven is also the mediator of darkness, could the old English tale also be true–that the British Empire will fall if humanity incessantly continues to brawl, finally causing the Raven to plummet from the Tower of London’s summit?

Reflection: How will I honor myself this New Year as the essential, timeless, unique person I know, I am?

 Challenge: Raven has always been revered as the truth-teller. Focus today on ways that you can be more authentically you in your relationships, love, work, and play.