Green sea turtle

Chelonia mydas

These podcasts are drawn from Naturally Intelligent by Design– a fine art picture book and poetic tale that illuminates the creative strategies of 365 animals to adapt to their changing world and ensure their survival. Their biological designs, community dynamics, lifestyles, movement, behavior– natural intelligence, can inspire us every day of the year to be our best–to live happy, healthy, sustainable lives.

Naturally Intelligent

by Design



Intuitive- Star Gazing

I am inspired to be my intuitive me like the Green Sea Turtle, paddling with all fours along the Pacific Ocean shores. Extraordinary is the innate ability of these ancient sea-faring, long-living marine creatures to interpret the outdoors. Imagine this–The Green Sea Turtle roams 1000’s of miles of ocean alone, but by navigating the stars can always find her way back home.  Even after two to four years have passed, she can re-locate quite fast her exact birthing sands—that is of course if there is no artificial light pollution along resort-laden strands. Then when she succeeds in following her internal compass course, she will dig and bury her clutch of 100-200 eggs below the saturated sandy seashore resource.  And after a few (normally two) months, one dark, quiet night; a new generation of sea turtles will emerge and rapidly to the ocean, take flight. The Green sea turtle knows intuitively that the instant she hatches danger is near, and so she immediately darts out of her sandy hole to avoid being eaten by the lurking crab and seagull–ready to chase her toward the safety of the ocean in high gear. And as if these environmental threats to her safety and endangered status were not enough; the fact that the climate is changing and causing the sands to warm, triggering more females to be born (sand temperatures affect the SRY protein and determine the sex of turtles) has made the future fate out the gate of the Green Sea Turtle tribe a bit forlorn.

Reflection: If you got turned around on a trail far away from home, do you think you could follow the stars and your tracks to navigate your way back?

Challenge: Research the timing of the next New Moon. Find a star gazing guide, APP, or visual resource you can use to explore the stars and constellations on the night of the next new moon when the stars are at their brightest. The stars are our guides home.