Northern spotted owl

Strix occidentalis caurina

These podcasts are drawn from Naturally Intelligent by Design– a fine art picture book and poetic tale that illuminates the creative strategies of 365 animals to adapt to their changing world and ensure their survival. Their biological designs, community dynamics, lifestyles, movement, behavior– natural intelligence, can inspire us every day of the year to be our best–to live happy, healthy, sustainable lives.

Naturally Intelligent

by Design




I am inspired to be my clairvoyant me like the Northern spotted owl, the spirit protectress of the Pacific Northwest Old Growth forests. Even in the darkest night, the owl can see without light. She taps into her internal sense of intuition; more powerful than her ears or night vision. So attuned are her senses to her environment, that often she needs to return to the nest –hoot a few times and internal quest – especially after an intense journey across the forest to which she is hyper-connected via a super-conscious inaudible sound, even to the movements of the mycorrhizae underground. Thanks to her soft-tipped feathers, she can silently cruise the forest trees without sensor whenever she’s on a stealthy wood rat and flying squirrel food-seeking venture. The spotted owl’s robust family health is also attributed to the loyal lifetime bonds she forms with her monogamous mate, as divorce is not part of this species’ fate. That said, sadly the Northern spotted owl has been threatened by other forces, tied to the health of her bio-diverse dome-that species like martens and salamanders and woodpeckers and salmon also call home.

Reflection: Did I listen to my intuition when I last encountered a dark night adventure? How did that turn out for me?

Challenge: What can I do today to express my love and respect or to protect the long-term health of the living environment – my home, where I am most lucky these days to roam?