Dr. Catherine Cunningham produces
Natural Intelligence Podcasts

Gerda Verburg, Director Sun Movement
Catherine Cunningham, CEO Natural Intelligence Media
Dr. Catherine Cunningham Interviews World Leaders
for Natural Intelligence Worldwide Podcast
World leaders in business, government, and society inspire our collective evolution- to shape a new deal with nature, to avert a global climate crisis, to advance our UN global goals for sustainable human development, and to ensure the development of technology is for the greatest good and supports life on earth.
Natural intelligence worldwide Podcast Series
Natural Intelligence Worldwide at
The Annual MeetingS for the
World Economic Forum
Natural Intelligence Worldwide Podcast
In partnership with Eurovision, Catherine Cunningham @ Natural Intelligence Media hosted exclusive interviews with world leaders in business, government, and society at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, 2019 to amplify the voice of nature in this Forum. We have already interviewed over 55 world leaders in business, government, and society…and we will continue through the spring to interview many profoundly thoughtful people with brilliant ideas about how to shape our future world with a seventh generation legacy mindset.
Thank you for your vision and collaboration, Eurovision.